Promoting legality, preventing juvenile crime
Study visit in Palermo – 7-12 February 2012
Call for partners – Youth in Action 4.3
The Foundation “Giovanni and Francesca Falcone”, established to commemorate the two judges killed by mafia in 1992, is going to organize a study visit in Palermo, Italy as part of the ceremonies and the initiatives in the occasione of the 20th anniversary of the killing.
During the study visit, a group of 25 youth workers from different countries will have the opportunity to see how the Foundation has been working during last years to promote culture of legality among young people and prevent juvenile crime.
Durint the visit, international participants will have the possibility to meet some stake-holders of antimafia movement and institutions and will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience, building the actual possibility for future projects to be done together on the issue.
Financial condition for participation
– no participation fee
– board and lodging provided by the Falcone Foundation
– travel cost covered 100%
How to apply for partnership:
interested organizations and Institutions (this call is not open to individuals) should send a CV of the partner body, together with duly filled and signed part III for action 4.3 – seminars to the email BY THE 23rd OF AUGUST
Title of the project, to type on the part III is
“Promoting legality, preventing juvenile crime”
Partnership proposal without CV of the organization will not be taken into account
Only selected organization will be contacted to provide information on the final formalities to join the project
This call is open to organizations and institutions dealing with crime prevenion (in particular juvenile crime), rehabilitation of joung offenders, schools, representatives of the law enforcement system, ONLY FROM PROGRAMME COUNTRIES (EU 27, plus Croatia, Turkey, Switzerland, Iceland and Sweden).