Taste and Share vol2
As you remember, in March we made a very fun event called Taste & Share and it turned out to be a big success! This is why we decided to create something like a small tradition. And use the occasion to introduce you to our wonderful volunteers in person.
Last Thursday, on the 13th of July, you had the opportunity to meet our new volunteers from different countries. It was the occasion to learn something about the places they come from and to judge their cooking skills. We are very happy that we could use our new space – Place For You (Място “За Теб”) – for such gathering.
For those who didn’t manage to join us, we learned a bit about Italy and Albania from our newest short-term volunteers – Marta and Salvatore from Italy and Ergisa, Albanian who has already been living for many years in Italy. It is the first project abroad for them, so presenting themselves and their countries was quite challenging. But I think we can all agree that they did a great job.
Morgane, a French volunteer told us about her hometown – Lille. Mainly about diversity in its architecture and abundance of museums and places connected with culture, as those are the things she appreciates a lot.
I am also sure that no one was disappointed with the piece of information about Siberia provided to us together with her own pictures by Lidia. She talked about beautiful Baikal – the largest freshwater lake in the world and some random monument of the city founder in Irkutsk, who is apparently not really known by its inhabitants. The monument was put in 2011 and it was called “Monument of the founders of the city”. But they decided to change the name after one year. Now it is the monument of Yakov Pohabov (at least this is what Lidia says, after Wikipedia ;)).
Another country we had the chance to find out more about was Ukraine. Igor didn’t hesitate to ask his Ukrainian friends, who also live in Varna, for help. It created a chance to involve people who are not our volunteers.
And the last one, but surely not the least presentation we enjoyed, was about Germany. Saskia and Sven scared everybody with some really serious introduction. Luckily they have a sense of humour so we could listen about German innovations, musicians and celebrities instead of demography.
Definitely, the evening was sweet. Of course, I mean all those people who came to enjoy it with us, but also because the table was full of sweetmeats. We hope you also think so about the time u spend with us.