The European Gateway in Action: Bulgarian Interns in Bordeaux

In March 10 people from Bulgaria went to Bordeaux for a two-week professional mobility within the frame of Erasmus + Programme. There were youngsters in a disadvantaged situation as well as representatives of various youth organisations from Varna. These associations were the Alternative Space, Sports club Ja Ra, House of Connection, Association FOR YOU.

This mobility was a part of The European Gateway. This project aims to change the way both professionals and youngsters view, implement and experience international professional mobility for youth.

Intercultural exchange

The first week of the visit was a multicultural project between organisations from 3 countries – Bulgaria, France and Germany. The exchange was called “Young people and society: Socio-political contexts and citizenship: Methods of Projects and social inclusion”.

This was a one-week exchange for youth and social workers from France, Bulgaria, and Germany. The host of the exchange is CEMEA Aquitaine, and the visiting participants were mainly from Association Muxtur, Germany and Association FOR YOU, Bulgaria. The purpose of this exchange was a transfer of knowledge and good practice on the topic of social inclusion. During this week the young people have visited various organisations and structures in Bordeaux that work in the field of youth, social inclusion, citizenship.

Part of the visited organisations were CEID, INSERTNET, Unisferes, Tout est Possible. The group also met with some local political and public figures such as Jacques Respaud – a representative of the regional council of Bordeaux; Mellie Babin who presented the work of Oson ici et maintenant and with Francios Pouthier, a professor from University Bordeaux Montaigne.

One of the most inspiring encounters was with Taoufik Karbia – director of ALIFS. This organisation provides mediation in law, culture, citizenship and other fields. Also, the group was very impressed by the work of Marie Helene Boutet Aso and a few local organisations. They deliver social services like accommodation and medical help to those who need them.

The two Bulgarian interns at RIG Radio

Internships in different organisations

These visits were very important not only because they were interesting as examples of social and youth work. Indeed, a few of the participants in the project were staying one more week for a short internship in some of these organisations.

Irena Deriova from Association For You did her internship at RIG Radio together with Dimitrina Kaseva from Alternative Space. They used their professional mobility to create a short radio emission and to promote the activities of their organisations.