ART Fusion Association is looking for young people interested in EVS in Romania

The project Globe in the Mirror starts in 15th of February 2011 and will have a duration of 6 months.

The theme of the project is promoting The Millennium Development Goals. The project’s activities will be related to participatory arts: photography, movie making, street art, street animation, street theatre. The volunteer will use non-formal education to promote MDGs and EVS Programme.
We are interested in young people with artistic skills, motivated to promote MDGs and education for sustainable development. Knowledge of global development and MDGs is a plus.

For more information about the project you can check the document attached or go to The interested people are asked to send their CVs, motivation letters, 1 photo and an artistic proof of your motivation of doing EVS at until 5th of January 2011.

Looking forward to meeting you

Roxana Turcu

ART Fusion Association