“Meet Europe” is a multinational youth exchange between Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Armenia and Ukraine, and will be hold between 19.09.2011 and 26.09.2011 in Bremerhaven, Germany. Main theme of this exchange is “(Anti-) Discrimination on ethnic and national identity” and its main objectives are to become aware of the different situations of minorities in Europe, to think about ways of successfully integrating them into the society to prevent their discrimination and of course to develop solidarity and tolerance among the participating young people from different (national, ethnic etc.) backgrounds as well as to foster mutual understanding between people from different countries.
During 8 days, four young people from each country will together with their group leaders (thirty people in total) meet and get to know each other’s countries, traditions and cultures through different methods of non-formal learning. They will learn about the different situations of minorities in Europe, discuss about (personal) discrimination on national and ethnic identity and about possibilities how to deal with it. They will also organize an international evening and photo exhibition on the last evening in a youth centre in Bremerhaven, where they will involve the local community and youth by presenting information about their meeting and its topic as well as different folk dances, music, meals etc. from their countries. The photo exhibition will show pictures from each country, presenting the beauty of the nature, interesting historical heritage, traditions etc. as well as information about different national and ethnic minorities and examples of their integration into the society. Back home, every national group will also show this exhibition in their hometowns and thus our initiative will go around Europe.

‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’