The 9th of May: Europe Day, Unity is strength 

The 9th of May 2021 was Europe day! A way to celebrate European history but most of all solidarity and peace. To celebrate this day, let’s rediscover or discover the important historical facts about the European Union🇪🇺

But first, what’s Europe Day? 

Europe day is an international day celebrated on May 9 in the member states of the European Union. This day celebrates the Schuman Declaration of May 9, 1950 . The Schuman Declaration was a speech delivered before the birth of the European Economic Community and is now considered the founding text of the Union. 

This international day was established in 1985 by the European Council in Milan. 

Fun fact: This day also symbolizes peace between France and Germany, who decided to coordinate their coal and steel production under the aegis of high authority and open to the participation of other European countries. 

Some Historical Facts – The Union

After World War II, The Schuman Declaration marked the turning point of the creation of the European Union . In his speech, the French foreign minister declared that, since coal and steel were so vital for war, G ermany and France should be linked to make war impossible materially and thus avoid it. That’s how the European Coal and Steel Community was created. A short time later, they were joined by Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, who signed the Treaty of Rome creating the European Economic Community (EEC) . The community established a common market for the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people.The success of this union attracted other countries like the UK who joined in 1973, along with Denmark and Ireland. And in 1981, it was Greece’s turn to enter the Union.

Fun fact: Did you know that the EU won a Nobel Peace Prize? In that case, can we say that every European has a Nobel Peace Prize? 😂

Some Historical Facts – The Schengen Agreement

In 1985, the countries part of the Union signed the Schengen Agreement, to remove border controls . This action gave the opportunity to people to move more freely from one country to another. The countries also agreed on the branding, the flag, the motto, and the anthem choice. In 1986, Spain and Portugal joined the Union, followed by the reunified Germany in 1990. 

1992, is an important date for the countries in the Maastricht Treaty, creating the actual European Union and the eurozone. 

Fun fact: Did you know that this year, the 9th of May also marked the beginning of the Conference on the Future of Europe? European citizens are gathered to discuss our future in political actions. 

To help you see clearer, here is a timeline of European Union History: