Fanny from France tells us about her volunteering in Bulgaria!

Today we introduce you to Fanny – an extremely kind, smiling and responsive young person who accidentally chooses Bulgaria as part of her development path.

Hello, please introduce yourself!

Hi, My name is Fanny Schupfer. I grew up in Strasbourg, in the east part of France but I’m currently living in Paris. 

Describe to us in 2 sentences the place you work in.

I am a volunteer at Innovator . I decided to do my volunteering in a place that mixes international exchange and coworking, it’s a coworking place. 

Have you ever been a volunteer before?

Yes, I did a volunteering mission in France, as a part of “Service Civic” in a museum for 8 months. I was also a volunteer for 5 months in South Korea in a Strawberry farm, teaching young kids English by preparing English non-formal lessons and cooking classes.

What motivated you to apply for the internship? How did you choose Bulgaria for your internship? 

I was looking for a place where I could have a great experience and I also needed to find an internship to complete my master’s degree. After years of looking at the ESC missions without choosing one, I decided that 2021 would be the year to take the step. So I sent several applications, got a few interviews and finally decided to join the team of Innovator. So in the end I didn’t choose Bulgaria but rather the mission.

Did you experience any cultural shock?

Umm, I think that life here is not so different compared to life in France. I guess that because I spent some time in Asia where I indeed experienced some cultural shock, I was less affected this time. The only thing that comes to my mind would be the fact that the market here is open every day, every week. In France, our market is open only two times a week.

What is your favorite thing about Varna?

I really enjoy my stay in Varna, I think my favorite thing is the beach – only 10 minutes away from where I live. Also, the seaside is really pleasant in the spring. I can’t wait for the summer 🙂  

Tell us about your experience as an intern! What were your main tasks?

As an intern in Innovator, I learned how to manage different social media accounts and create posts online. I am creating content and marketing strategies, writing short texts in English, etc. I also write articles for blogs related to innovations, new technologies, digital marketing and start-ups. Preparing and planning events, online or inside Innovator is also a part of my duties. On top of that, I’m also creating an app to promote the old “Varna” area and attract tourist and locals;

What are the challenges you are facing?

The hardest challenges were due to the Covid 19 situations. It’s hard to plan and think about events when you don’t know if you will be able to hold them. At some point you may lose motivation after planning, postponing, planning again or canceling some of the events. But in the end, you can imagine a new way of making events and involving people in your project.

What is your favorite thing about the whole project / best experiences?

My favorite thing about the project is the fact that the Innovator team is really supportive. I get the chance to work in a really interesting workplace and meet a lot of nice people from around the world. On top of that, the Innovator team was very supportive of my idea and let me think about my own projects, for example, my idea of ​​planning an Easter hunt to share some of the French traditions for Easter or my idea to create a mobile app to promote the “old town” of Varna.  

What inspires you the most?

Stories from travelers going around the world, sharing their adventure and the fact that the world has so much we can learn from. 

Did the pandemic affect your work?

Like I said before, the pandemic was a huge challenge. But we managed to get through and even learn from it. 

Have you ever thought about doing a personal initiative / project?

I’m still thinking about a personal initiative for the end of the project, maybe an event or activities dedicated to Varna’s rich history or involving the coworkers of my workplace… we’ll see. 😉

What would you say to young people to motivate them to join the ESC and volunteer?

I would tell them to seize the opportunity because it is one of the most pleasant, interesting and professional experiences that I have had the chance to live. Unlike most international projects where everything has to be done by yourself: finding the project opportunity, a place to live and planning your travel, EVC allows you to have an extraordinary European experience while being housed, helped and supported from the beginning to the end of the project.

If you could sum up your experience in 3 words, what would it be? 

An international, adventurous and rewarding experience.

Do you have an idea of ​​what you are going to do when you go back to France?

I am currently looking for a job as a cultural project manager.



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