International Youth Exchange for Youngsters with Different Abilities and Disabilities “The Journey Goes on to New Horizons”
International youth exchange “The Journey Goes on to New Horizons” is organized by the Dutch organization “Rock Solid Foundation”. It targets youngsters with different abilities and disabilities. Association For You is the partner from the Bulgarian side. And, naturally, we are dealing as a host of the event as well.
Condition of the Youth Exchange
This project will take place in Bulgarian village of Kranevo within the period 22nd September until 2nd of October. 6 participants from 8 different countries are participating the event – Holland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Portugal, Turkey, Italy and Poland will be involved in the youth exchange.
Participants, activities and meaning of this exchange
It will be conducted in mixed groups as each of the participating countries will include participants with and without disabilities. Through the methods of informal education and games, it is aimed to be reached successful interaction between the youngsters involved. Everyone would have the chance to increase their communication skills. Moreover, to charge themselves with inspiration that the cause we are all taking part in is important and meaningful, and every single individual deserves chance for dignified life.
Advance Planning Visit
The project is planning a one day visit to Varna where the participants will have the chance to meet local youth organizations. Anyone who is interested in getting to know the conception of the projects and the partners involved is welcome. Additional information for the exact place, time and date will be announced later on our website and Facebook page.